Yacht charter south seas and Hawaii -this look like paradise
Charter Areas
Yacht charter Pacific - Polynesia and Hawaii
- Tonga, Raiatea und Fidschi -
Beware - if you fall into a trance while relaxing - you will miss the return date
The South Seas - what else can I say.
All romantic dreams of lovers, and thus literature and painting, process these associations. After all, the whole thing led to the mutiny on the Bounty - it must be something.
Countless novels, travelogues, reports, paintings and sculptures. All artists have ended up here at one point or another. As the average consumer can afford this way halfway around the globe in recent times, he of course (as always) also has his own ideas about life from home in his luggage and the locals (unfortunately) always find this more interesting than life at home . Practically the reverse of our own curiosity about foreign countries and their people.
Despite many changes in the last hundred years, a memory of the pride of the ancestors has (recently) established itself in the entire South Pacific, which makes it interesting for us from abroad to get to know the old traditions.
These tendencies are even evident in the metropolis of Hawaii, which is shaped by the USA.
The French, Dutch, Spaniards, English, Portuguese wanted and in some cases have simply helped themselves here in the past and have stayed. It was nice and cheap. After the colonialists realized that there were hardly any spices or other recyclable materials other than coconut fibers, many left again. Then came the military strategists.
On many smaller islands it is still possible for us sailors to experience the romance of the South Seas. Especially in Polynesia.
The ancient seafarers here had special navigational talents that far surpassed the western knowledge of ancient times. In this way, these explorers were able to spread out over the vast Pacific, which could never have been sailed by European seafarers at the same time. The creation of the South Seas - the catamaran - was helpful here. A stable platform on which you had a lot of space and provisions and which was perfect for the long waves of the Pacific.
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