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Yacht charter Sweden - tthousands of small islands
Charter Areas

Yacht charter Sweden

Great nature - great people
The archipelago offers atmosphere and protection and always new impressions

Bring your time and let yourself go.

Yacht Charter Sweden

will be pure relaxation.

How about well over 200,000 islands (including very small ones) and 1,300 miles of coastline?
The Swedish sailing paradise is above all the Stockholm archipelago with its countless bays for anchoring in nature - a versatile area.
over 3 months in which it only gets dark for a few hours and therefore the travel stages are easier to plan when the light is on.
Can be reached quickly from the starting point.
The whole thing is like a Robinson tour. Untouched nature.
What could be nicer than throwing the grill on after a day of sailing and grilling fish you have caught with a good drink.

Göteborg to Stockholm

more than 20.000 Islands

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